WDBS runs regular tournaments for players with visual disabilities.
During the early stages of development WDBS provides competition inclusive of B4-B5 classified players alongside the recognised B2-B3 criteria.
Should sufficient entries be received (at least four who are B4 and above and four who are not), the Group will be split into Groups 7A (B2/B3) and 7B (B4/B5) to align Group 7 with the usual definition under profile 37 of the classification system.
Participants also need to be aware that should they enter external competitions either endorsed or nominated by WDBS they will have to match criteria set by those governing that event.
Sight tests should be re-tested every 1–3 years.
Functional Description: Partial sight.
Medical Description: Partial sight. Visual Acuity above 2/60 up to a visual activity of 6/60 (B2-B3).
Players must be classified by British Blind Sport (BBS).
The cost of classification is £20.00 for a member of British Blind Sport. Following receipt of your classification result WDBS will discount the membership cost from your first event. Should you be charged by your optician for completing your form, upon proof of costs WDBS will also offer up to a maximum of two free event entries.
At WDBS tournaments, players are given a points start depending on their level of sight relative to their opponent, based upon their British Blind Sport classification:
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This toolkit was taken from the Activity Alliance Profiling Toolkit Resource (http://www.activityalliance.org.uk/how-we-help/res...). The toolkit is based on the Activity Alliance Profile System designed by Dr Christine Meaden M.C.S.P., Ph.D. For any further information on the profile system or toolkit please contact Activity Alliance online or call them on 01509 227750.
In agreement with Activity Alliance, WDBS has revised each profile to suit snooker and billiards.